Monday, January 23, 2017

STEM/Math Enrichment- 1.23

Today, you are going to start something new that we will return to at a later date. Some of this will ask you to use headphone, but you do not need them to complete the work.

1. Go to
2. Click on "Register" IF YOU ALREADY HAVE AN ACCOUNT, do not create a new account. Simply add the new code (below) in the top left corner after you login. 
3. Your registration code is c79ddde9
4. Follow the instructions.  Make sure that you write down your login information for this website!
5. You will be completing the "Future Goals" activity. 

Math Enrichment:
Log on to IXL. Use the link from previous posts if you need to. I want you to complete any eighth grade skill that you know you have already learned in your regular math class. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

IXL-January 17

1. click here
2. Your log in and your password will be your student ID number. You may have to add "@woodschools" to your student ID number for the username.
3. After logging in, click WV Standards-College and Career Readiness

4. Select 7th grade. When you have completed one skill set with at least a 90, then move on to the next.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

ELA (7th)-1/12/2017

Research one of the assigned topics below using an i-Pad. Separate these topics so that each topic is covered at the table. Some topics will have two people researching them, but this is not partner work. On a sheet of paper, write down the facts that you gather. You will have half an hour to research this topic. After you research, you will be the expert on that topic in your group. Your job will be to inform the other members in the group. 

Make sure to write down the name of the website.
1.     Research Jewish persecution in Europe throughout history.
2.     Research the Jewish faith. Include history, beliefs, practices, and holy days.
3.     Research Hasidic Jews. Compare and contrast Hasidic Jews and Reform Jews.

4.     Research the teaching of the Talmud, the Zohar, and the Kabbalah. 

ELA-January 12, 2017

Six million Jewish people were murdered during the genocide in Europe in the years leading up to 1945, and the Jews are rightly remembered as the group that Adolf Hitler’s Nazi party most savagely persecuted during the Holocaust.
But the Nazis targeted many other groups: for their race, beliefs or what they did.
Historians estimate the total number of deaths to be 11 million, with the victims encompassing gay people, priests, gypsies, people with mental or physical disabilities, communists, trade unionists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, anarchists, Poles and other Slavic peoples, and resistance fighters.
Directions: Choose three groups from the provided list below and answer the questions for each of the groups that you select. Write down your resources beside each answer. Wikipedia, yahoo answers, and any site of that nature are not permissible. is a helpful source. 
Non-Jewish victims of the Holocaust: gay people, priests, gypsies (Roma and Sinti people), the mentally and/or physically disabled, communists,  trade unionists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Poles, and resistance fighters. 
Questions to answer:
1. Who were these people? Give a definition found from a resource. It should not be derogatory. 
2. Why were they targeted by the the Nazis?
3. What forms of persecution were used against them? These might include concentration/death camps, death marches, sterilization, etc...
4. When did the Nazis begin targeting this group?
5. How many were killed? 

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Math Enrichment--Jan. 5


1. The sequence is -1, 2, -4, 8... What type of sequence is it (arithmetic or geometric)? What is the recursive formula (what number is each term being multiplied by)? What will the next two terms be?

2. The first term is 9. The recursive formula is the term multiplied by -3. What are the next four terms in the sequence?

1. click here
2. Your log in and your password will be your student ID number. You may have to add "@woodschools" to your student ID number for the username.
3. After logging in, click WV Standards-College and Career Readiness
4. Select 7th grade. When you have completed one skill set with at least a 90, then move on to the next.

STEM-Jan 5

Solve. Show your work.

Compare different pay scales. Decide if it is better to receive $300 a week or to be paid hourly at a rate of $7.50 per hour. What other information is needed to make the decision between the two pay scales? Assume you work 40 hours/week; which pay would you choose? Assume you only worked 20 hours/week; which pay would you choose then? Why?

 Complete the research activity. Follow the directions--they aren't there just to look pretty!
    Research Activity--click here 

ELA-January 5

1. Take the STAR Reading test-click here 
    Your username is your 9600# and your password is the first letter of your first name and the first          letter of your last name (for example: J.T. Spivy's password would be js).

2. Complete the bell-ringer:
Directions: Rewrite the following sentences, making any necessary changes. All of the errors have to deal with commas and improper verb shifts.

1. Debbie had finish her report, before Gina starts.
2. When Mike wrecked his wife's car she is very upset.
3. People, who know the rules, should not always corrected those who do not.
4. The movie Aliens which is my favorite movie comes out last year.
5. Mike's faded ragged jacket was not appropriate, for dinner, or church.

***If you were asked to turn in your essay for Wood Whisperer's, please make the changes that Mr. Spivy wrote on your essay. Before you print, please speak to Mr. Spivy.

3. Complete the exercises below. Show Mr. Spivy the score to at least THREE of the exercises. You must do ALL of them.

1. Commas #1--click here
2. Commas #2--click here
3. Commas #3--click here
4. Comma Splices and Fused Sentences--click here
5. Fragments--click here

If you finish all of the activities for the day, you may go to