Monday, December 19, 2016

ELA and Math Enrichment-12/19

Write the sentences. Define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.
1. Even though we had practiced for weeks, our presentation was a fiasco, not a success.
2. The fishmonger sold us three grouper and nine trout for ten dollars.
3. Her temperature fluctuated throughout the night—it was never consistent.
4. Because he is frugal, my father buys all of his clothes at Goodwill and uses coupons.

5. The gamester lost all of his money playing poker. 

1. If you have not completed your essay, you must be finished by the end of class TOMORROW.
2. If you are finished typing, read your essay one more time. I mean it. Read the dang thing. Do not skim. Do not peruse. Read it.
3. If you are ready to print your essay, please alert Mr. Spivy. He will ensure that it is formatted correctly, so that you do not lose points in that section of the rubric.
4. Once you have printed your essay and given it to Mr. Spivy, then you will be completing this assignment--Christmas Around the World #1--click here

Math Enrichment:
1. Complete the assignment found here
2. Write all of your information down on a sheet of paper. 
3. One of the directions says to click on "Shop by Category." You may find it easier to select "dramatic play" from the "Product" tab at the top. 

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