Thursday, August 27, 2015

Bell-ringer and Gang Articles

1. Bell-ringer
2. Gang Articles 
3. Grammar Activities


Directions- write the quote and then answer the questions that follow.

“It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.”   Mark Twain

1) What does Mark Twain mean?

2) Do you agree with him?

3) What is something you can do to keep yourself from saying foolish things?

Gang Articles
1. Choose one (block must do both) of the articles below to read. 
2. After selecting the article, click on the link beside it and read the entire article. 
3. After reading the article, answer the questions that follow on your own sheet of paper. 
4. Your answers must be complete sentences

A Troubled Teenager at Odds with Life in the Bronx--click here
In Prosecution of Gang, a Chilling Adversary: The Code of the Streets-- click here 

Grammar Activities
Directions: Complete the grammar activities in the order that they appear.  
3. Commas
4. Subject-Verb Agreement

Vocabulary Sqaures
If you finish all of the work above, you may work on vocabulary squares--click here

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