Monday, August 31, 2015

Tuff Time Journal Entry #1

Directions: During the reading of The Outsiders, you will be journaling five times. These journal entries should be kept separate from your bell-ringers.
Journal about the prompt below. Make sure to write at least two paragraphs. I am less concerned about spelling or grammar and more concerned with what is going on inside your brain. Be honest. Take your time.

Identity- being you instead of being someone else

Paragraph 1-Who are you? What is your identity?

Paragraph 2- What is the identity of the group of friends you have? Do you try to change your identity to fit into this group of friends?

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Bell-ringer and Gang Articles

1. Bell-ringer
2. Gang Articles 
3. Grammar Activities


Directions- write the quote and then answer the questions that follow.

“It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.”   Mark Twain

1) What does Mark Twain mean?

2) Do you agree with him?

3) What is something you can do to keep yourself from saying foolish things?

Gang Articles
1. Choose one (block must do both) of the articles below to read. 
2. After selecting the article, click on the link beside it and read the entire article. 
3. After reading the article, answer the questions that follow on your own sheet of paper. 
4. Your answers must be complete sentences

A Troubled Teenager at Odds with Life in the Bronx--click here
In Prosecution of Gang, a Chilling Adversary: The Code of the Streets-- click here 

Grammar Activities
Directions: Complete the grammar activities in the order that they appear.  
3. Commas
4. Subject-Verb Agreement

Vocabulary Sqaures
If you finish all of the work above, you may work on vocabulary squares--click here

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

STAR Reading and Goals

1. Take the STAR Reading Test.
2. Do the bell-ringer (add to your other bell-ringers)
3. Interactive Grammar Exercises

STAR Reading
1. Go the STAR Reading website => click here
2. Your username is the student ID# (9600)
3. Your password is the first letter of your first name and the first letter of your last name (ex: J.T. Spivy would use js as his password)
4. Take the Reading Test for Mr. Spivy
5. Take your time; do your best


Create an original sentence for each of the words below. Use the word properly in your sentence, making sure to be mindful of its part of speech (noun, adjective, adverb, verb, etc.). Your sentences must be at least ten words long.
1.     Abhorrence-noun- a feeling of extreme hate; utter loathing
2.     Accede-verb- to give approval; agree
3.     Affix- verb- to fasten, join, or attach
4.     Alias- noun- a false name used to conceal one’s identity
            5. Amity- noun- friendship
Grammar Exercises
Complete the grammar exercises below. Take your time. 
Subject Verb Agreement  
Subject Verb Agreement Part Dos
Irregular Verbs
Pronoun Agreement  
Dangling Modifiers Read the directions before doing this. It is tough!