Friday, January 31, 2014


If you were not here yesterday, scroll down to yesterday's entry and click on the STAR Reading link to take that test.

Everyone else, you need to take the Acuity exam for the 2nd 9 weeks today. Your username is your student number; your password is the first letter of your first name and the first four letters of your last name.

Acuity Test <= click here for Acuity. Complete the reading test. 

If you already took the test with Mrs. Engnes, continue working on your essay. Follow the guidelines from Monday to format your essay. I will be very picky about this!

When you have finished typing your essay, copy and paste the essay into Essay Check in WV Writes. Essay Check is a prompt I opened up for you. To copy and paste the essay, highlight your essay and push Ctrl + C, then click on the text box in WV Writes and push CTRl + V. Push OK if necessary.
Submit the essay and revise your essay based on the suggestions that WV Writes makes. If you have anything less than a 4, you need to keep working.

When you have finished all of that, work on another prompt for WV Writes. The goal is all fours!

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