Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Bell-ringer and Objectives

October 30, 2013                                                                                      Mr. Spivy

Bell-ringer: Rewrite the following sentences and correct any grammatical, mechanical, or spelling errors. 

  1. My Mothers favrit band during her child hood were the beatles.
  2. Henry along with his 3 brothers know magic trix.
  3. The school of fish swum buy me in the water.
  4. His box of tissues fly from he’s hand to the desk.
  5.   Each bird turtle fish and rodent are for sale. 
Continue working on your presentations and PSA scripts.
Because of our technological limitations, I am not requiring you to film your PSA. If you have a way to film and edit your video, I will allow for extra points.
If, however, you do not have such capabilities, you will perform your PSA live in class. You will not be penalized for this.
Look at the objectives from two weeks ago to help guide your work today.
If you finish the presentation and/or PSA, begin working on a design for your advertisement (poster) and brochure.  
We will be working most of next week in the lab on these campaigns.

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