Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Bell-ringer and Directions

Bell-ringer: Write an original sentence using each word listed below. Your sentences should be at least ten words long. You should have written five sentences by the end.
1. Modify- verb- to change
2. Mollify- verb- to calm
3. Momentous- adj.- important
4. Monetary- adj.- financial
5. Monogamy- noun- having one partner/mate

If you have not had me in class this week: You will be looking at a presentation on Works Cited. You will need to take notes from this presentation. The notes you will need to write down will either be underlined or the presentation will say to write them down. Then do the activity that comes at the end. Click here.When done, do the activities in the next set of directions.

If you have already had me this week: Click the links below and do the activities.
Parts of speech: click here.Complete all ten problems.
Dangling modifiers: click here.
Pronoun agreement: click here.
Word choice: click here.

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