Thursday, April 25, 2013

Bell-ringer and Instructions

Bell-ringer: Write the quote and answer the questions that follow.
"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." Bill Cosby

In this quote, what does Dr. Cosby mean? Do you agree with him? Why or why not?

This is the last day to work on your digital story. You must have all components of the story completed before I will asses you.

Look at the entry below one more time to look at the directions for the assignment. Do not lose points because you became careless--that's foolishness!

When you are finished, you need to complete the two exercises below. They will test your knowledge of common grammar mistakes.

Exercise 1
Exercise 2

Go to,, or after that.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Bell-ringer and Tech Step Directions

April 23, 2013
Bell-ringer: Write an original sentence using the vocabulary words from yesterday's bell-ringer. These sentences should be at least ten words long.
1. magnanimous- generous in giving forgiveness
2. magnitude- importance
3.maize- corn
4. malady- a sickness or ailment
5. maltreat- to treat badly

Directions for Tech Steps

For this tech step, you will be telling a story through an original slideshow presentation.  Your narrative should follow the prompt below:

Each of us has had experiences in our lives that will stick in our brains for a long time. These experiences can be pleasant, funny, terrifying, miserable, or even embarrassing. Write about one of those experiences. 

1.     You must brainstorm, 4-square, and storyboard at the beginning of your writing process.

2.     Your presentation will have at least fifteen slides (twenty for BLOCK) and a title slide.

3.     Your presentation must use animation on each slide and will have animated transitions from one slide to the next.

4.     Each slide will include at least one graphic and some text. (Hint: Do not fill a slide with a lot of words—it looks sloppy; at the same time, the slide should have enough text on it to tell your story.)

5.     The color scheme of your presentation should be aesthetically pleasing and interesting to look at.

6.     Your presentation must include all the features necessary for a narrative (beginning, middle, and end; definite climax, and character development).

7.     There is no word requirement; however, you must use enough words to tell a complete story. Points will be deducted if your story does not seem ample.

8.     This must be completed by the end of Thursday. 

Here are two links on how to add animation to your presentation.
For PowerPoint 2010---click here.  
For PowerPoint 2007---click here.  

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Acuity, Bell-ringer, & Activity

First: click here to go to the acuity website.
Username: student ID #
Password: 1st letter of first name and then first four letters of last name (ex: jspiv)

Take your time with the Acuity assessment; if you finish within fifteen minutes and you have not received a 20 out of 25 or higher, then you will have lunch detention with me. Show me your score before you move on.

Bell-ringer: Rewrite the following sentences and correct any grammatical, mechanical, or spelling errors.

1. Everyone nose that they need to bring their book.
2. Those who does not now this will learn real quick.
3. If you forgotted you're book, their is no mercy show to yew.
4. Dentention are usual not very fun.
5. The teacher sometime make each person write 50 sentences in our notebooks.

Activities for 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th period:
First activity: Click here.
Second activity: Click here.

Activities for block:
First activity: Click here.
Second activity: Click here.
Third activity: Click here
Fourth activity: Click here. Read the article and then write a paragraph or two summary in your reading log for Resistance.