Monday, December 3, 2012

Bell-ringer and Instructions

Bell-ringer: Directions—write the following sentences and then define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.

1. The archaeologist was not able to decipher the strange symbols on the walls.

2. His decrepit great aunt is so weak and sickly that she is not able to leave home.

3. Greg and his gang defaced the rival school’s property with spray paint.

4. My defiant niece was too stubborn to take a nap.

5. We deforested the woods, so that it could be used as farm land.

Instructions for the day:
1.) Type the body of your essay. Do NOT type your introduction or conclusion unless you have already written them. Make sure to look at the requirements I gave you last week.

2.) When the body of your essay is done, start writing an introduction. Your introduction should start with a hook
Your hook could be an interesting quote from the book (it must tie into your topic), an interesting question (not how am I like Darrel Curtis?), or an anecdote (short story). This should be followed by your thesis.
The  thesis will hit on the points you will be making in your essay. It does not need to be huge, but it should be long enough to cover the important points. When the reader looks at your essay, he should be able to locate the thesis without any problems.
Since this is an introductory paragraph, it should go at the beginning.

3) If you want to try to tackle the conclusion, you may. Tomorrow, you will be given more information on how to write the conclusion.


  1. HI MR.SPIVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ;) I love you... a lot

  2. XD HAHAHAHAHAH just kidding about that but you're pretty cool bro... BYE

  3. Hi Mr. Spivy your an awesome teacher! :)

  4. Hello random people!!!! xD ahaha keep reading :3

  5. I freakin LOVE bellringers :D
    -_- said noone ever....

  6. wow..No comment on this..


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