Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Week 3 Warm-ups

September 17, 2018
Warm-up: Write the following sentences. Then, define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.
1.   Please, appease the furious infant and give her a bottle!
2.   We thought the direction of the road was apparent because of the “One Way” sign.
3.   The police officer apprehended the chinchilla smuggler.
4.   Climb out of the arbor before you are covered in pine needles!
5.   “This archaic device is called a typewriter,” noted the tour guide. 

September 18, 2018
Warm-up: Create an original sentence for each of the words below. Use the word properly in your sentence, making sure to be mindful of its part of speech (noun, adjective, adverb, verb, etc.). Your sentences must be at least ten words long.

1.   Appease—v. to calm; to make happy
2.   Apparent—adj. easily seen; obvious
3.   Apprehend—v. to arrest
4.   Arbor—n. a tree
5.   Archaic—adj. old; no longer used

Warm-up: Each of these sentences is full of mistakes. Write these sentences without the mistakes; if a sentence is a fragment, then add to it to make it complete.  

1.    Even though I has a bizzey day, I still wanna go to the movies to night.
2.    Because she should of been there.
3.    well be going to Toms birthday party on tuesday
4.    What time we gonna go to the grocery store?
5.    Leslie were mad cause, I stoled her cellphone.

September 20, 2018
Warm-up: Directions: Write the quote. Then, answer the questions that follow.

“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

1.     What does this quote mean? Put it into your own words.
2.     Do you agree with Mrs. Roosevelt? Why or why not?
3.     What is Mrs. Roosevelt saying about those who are constantly gossiping?

September 21, 2018

Warm-up: Solve the problem below. Show your work.
Mortimer wants some doughnuts. He is very cheap and likes to save even the smallest amount of money. He found a coupon in the paper for Dunkin' Donuts. The coupon was for $1 off a dozen donuts. This week they are on sale for $3.99 a dozen without the coupon and $.35 a piece if you use the coupon (and will use the coupon).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      What do you think Mortimer will do and why? Show work. No calculator!

Weeks 1-2 Warm-ups

September 4, 2018
At the beginning of each class, we will complete a warm-up activity. These are never too difficult—they just cause you to get into the right mindset for learning each day.
Directions: Using the marker on your desk and a piece of construction paper found in the basket under your desk, create a name tent.
To create a name tent, fold the paper vertically (hotdog style); then, write your name largely in the middle. Finally, write four words that best describe who you are. You can have fun with this; just keep it appropriate.
My name tent is on the desk beside the screen.

September 5, 2018
Warm-up: First, place your name tent on your desk, so Mr. Spivy can see it. Then, without talking, go over and look at the Survival Guide bulletin board. Write down one pro-tip from the board that you think is important (hint: they are all important, so it should be easy to choose one). Write this pro-tip down. Underneath that, write one sentence explaining what this tip means and one sentence explaining its importance for our learning environment.

September 6, 2018
Warm-up: Answer the first question and then choose one of the other questions to answer. Use the sentence stems to help you answer the question.
1.       What is hope? (Must answer this one.)
“Hope is ________”
Choose one of the following to answer.
2.       Why do we need it?
“We need hope because _________”

3.       Where can we find it?
“We can find hope ___________”

4.       How can we give hope to others?
“We can give hope by ___________”

September 10, 2018
Warm-up: Write the sentences; then, define the underlined words using context clues and your prior knowledge.
1.     Because of her abhorrence of snakes, Lydia hated going to the reptile hut.

2.     Thankfully, Mr. Gregory acceded with the proposal for more recess time.

3.     Please affix your buckle before the aircraft begins its journey into the sky.

4.     With her new disguise, Felicity will now be called by her alias, Fredrick.

5.     The amity between the two boys started when the one gave the other his favorite pudding.

September 11, 2018

Warm-up: I realize that you were not born when the events of September 11, 2001, occurred; that being said, I want you to write some (at least three) ways your life has been affected by those events. For some, that will be an easy task. For others, you may have to think some to create an answer.

Use this sentence stem to guide your thoughts: “Some ways my life has been affected by the events of September 11, 2001, are…”

Finally, if you were to meet someone who had been working in the World Trade Center or the Pentagon on 9/11, what would you say to them? What would you ask them?

Use this sentence stem to guide your thoughts: “If I met someone who had been working at the World Trade Center or Pentagon on 9/11, I would say to them (or ask them)…”

September 12, 2018

Warm-up: Create an original sentence for each of the words below. Use the word properly in your sentences, making sure to be mindful of its part of speech (noun, adjective, adverb, verb, etc.). if the word is a noun, it should have a possessive pronoun (his, her, my, etc.) or an article (a, an, the) in front of it. If it is a verb, it needs to be the action of the sentence. Your sentences must be at least ten words long.

1.     Abhorrence-noun- a feeling of extreme hate
2.     Accede-verb- to approve of something
3.     Affix- verb- to attach
4.     Alias- noun- a false name used to conceal one’s identity
5.      Amity- noun- friendship

September 13, 2018
Directions: Write the quote; then, answer the questions that follow with complete sentences.

“I don't believe you have to be better than everybody else. I believe you have to be better than you ever thought you could be.” –Ken Venturi

1)     What does Mr. Venturi mean in this quote?
2)     Do you agree with Venturi? Why?
3)     How do you define success?