Friday, November 18, 2016

Nov. 18-ELA, STEM, Math

ELA (1&2, 3&8, 7)

1. Bell-ringer: Write two to three sentences about your Thanksgiving traditions. Think of this as a short free write.

2. If you did not take the STAR Reading Test last week, please do that. Click here for the website. Remember that your username is your 9600# and your password is the first letter of your first name and the first letter of your last name (ex: J.T. Spivy would use js as his password).

3. If you have already taken the STAR Reading Test, then read "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" found here. Be sure to read the notes, the biography, and reading pointers before reading the story.

4. Once you have finished the short story, answer the questions found here. Follow the directions on this document.

1. Continue working on the FutureGoals project on
2. Finish as many modules as possible today.
3. If you have completed all 12, then you need to do IXL. Directions are below.

Math Enrichment--Everfi, IXL

1. 1. Continue working on the FutureSmart project on
2. Finish as many modules as possible today.
3. If you have completed all 12, then you need to do IXL. Directions are below.

1. click here
2. Your log in and your password will be your student ID number. You may have to add "@woodschools" to your student ID number for the username.
3. After logging in, click WV Standards-College and Career Readiness
4. Select 7th grade expression and equations. When you have completed one skill set with at least a 90, then move on to the next.
5. After you have completed this skill, select ratios and proportional reasoning.If both are completed, then

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Math Enrichment 11.17


1. The chance of a woman getting breast cancer in her lifetime is 1 out of 8. At this rate, home many women in a classroom of 32 women would be expected to come down with breast cancer in her lifetime?

2. A company's quality control department found an average of five defective models for every 1000 that were checked. If the company produced 60,000 models in a year, how may of them would be expected to be defective?

1. If you have not completed the ratio and proportions activity from Tuesday, do so today.

2. If you have not completed all of the modules on EverFi for FutureSmart, then work on those.

3. If you have completed all of the above, then do IXL.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Math Enrichment- 11.16

1. Mary can read 22 pages in 30 minutes. How long would it take her to read a 100 page book? Write your answer in hours and minutes and round to the nearest minute if needed.

2. Joseph drives 125 miles in 2 1/2 hours. At the same rate, how far will be be able to travel in 6 hours?

Directions for today:
1. Continue with the proportions and ratios activity from yesterday. Follow the directions from yesterday.
2. If you finish all three projects, then give your answer sheet to Mr. Spivy.
3. Once you have given your answer sheet to Mr. Spivy, you may work on IXL.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Math Enrichment- 11.15

Solve the questions below.

1. If 15.9 out of every 100 pregnant women in the Georgia deliver their babies vie C-section, how many pregnant women out of 25,250 would be expected to deliver by C-section?

2. An employee working at an electronic store earned $3582 for working 3 months during the summer. What did the employee earn for the first two months?

3. A worker can assemble 15 televisions in 6 hours. At this rate, how many can the worker complete in a 40-hour work week?


1. Go to
2. Complete all three design challenges.
3. On your own sheet of paper, write down the correct answers to each of the questions in addition to inputting the answer online.
4. Exhaust all of your available resources before asking Mr. Spivy for help.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

November 7-ELA, STEM, IXL

ELA- 1&2, 3&8, 7
STAR Reading
1. Go the STAR Reading website => click here
2. Your username is the student ID# (9600)
3. Your password is the first letter of your first name and the first letter of your last name (ex: J.T. Spivy would use js as his password)
4. Take the Reading Test for Mr. Spivy
5. Take your time; do your best.

When you finish, you may either read independently or go to; if you have other work to do for another class, then you may do that.

Do not talk while others are taking the test.

1. Continue working on the FutureGoals project on
2. Finish as many modules as possible today.
3. If you have completed all 12, then you need to do IXL. Directions are below.

Math Enrichment--IXL

1. click here
2. Your log in and your password will be your student ID number
3. After logging in, click WV Standards-College and Career Readiness
4. Select 7th grade expression and equations. When you have completed one skill set with at least a 90, then move on to the next.
5. After you have completed this skill, select ratios and proportional reasoning.