Thursday, August 18, 2016

August 18

ELA (all): Name Meaning--click here

ELA (1&2, 3&8): Once you have completed the assignment above, then finish the Wingdings spelling activity. If you finish that, you may turn that in. After that, I want you to create a Word Search puzzle using the spelling words.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

August 16, 2016

ELA (all): Mini Research Project--click here

STEM (fifth period): Paper Airplane Prep Questions--click here

Math Enrichment (sixth period): Word Problems--click here 

ELA (1-2, 3 &8):

Spelling List #1: Wingdings
Directions: The spelling words have been translated into wingdings. Without looking up a key, your job is to decode the spelling words below. Once you figure out what a symbol is, try to use it in each of the words that contains the symbol.