Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Anne Frank Journal Entry Options

Option A- We quickly learn that Mrs. Van Daan is a superficial person who probably only married her husband for money. Describe the perfect person to date. Are your ideals superficial? Does personality matter more than appearance? What are the best qualities a person can have?

Option B- Anne’s relationships with adults vary widely. With some, she is friendly and cordial. With others, she is combative and antagonistic. She believed that many adults just did not understand her. What are some things that you wished adults (in general) better understood about you? Why? Why don’t they understand these things?

Option C- Assume you had to hide from those who wanted to imprison and ultimately destroy you. Where would you go? Why would you go there? How would you provide for yourself? What would you do to occupy your time?

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Bell-ringer and Activity

Be good today. I expect an excellent report when I return. Enjoy your abbreviated spring break. Do good thing; make me proud.

Direction: Create and solve the equation. You cannot use a calculator.

For a field trip, four students rode in cars and the rest filled nine buses. How many students were in each bus if 472 students were on the trip? 

Block-6th Period:
1. Do the web quest found in yesterday's post. You will have to write on your own sheet of paper. Be sure to write down the name of the website where you found your information for each question.
2. If you finish the activity, you may go to freerice.com

7th and 8th Period:
1. Finish the Non-Jewish Victims Chart
2. Do the web quest found in yesterday's post. You will have to write on your own sheet of paper. Be sure to write down the name of the website where you found your information for each question.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Bell-ringer and Web Quest


Re-write the following sentences, correcting any grammatical, mechanical, and spelling errors. 
1. three mile island pennsylvania was the cite of the worst neuclear accident in us history.

2. On march 28 2013 at 4 am a valve got stuck open in a reacter
3. Because of this the reactor were not able to be cooled down.
4. The workers of the plant was not trained proper for the situation.
5.  A small amount of chemicals were release in the air. 

Directions for today:
1. Finish the Non-Jewish Victims chart from yesterday.  You are not finished until the whole chart is complete. This is a group grade.
2. Complete the Web Quest. This document cannot be edited. You will need to use multiple web sources (not Wikipedia!). Write your answers on your own sheet of paper. 
Click here.