Wednesday, January 21, 2015

STAR Reading and Grammar Exercises

1. Take the STAR Reading Test.
2. Do the bell-ringer (add to your other bell-ringers)
3. Interactive Grammar Exercises

STAR Reading
1. Go the STAR Reading website => click here
2. Your username is the student ID# (9600)
3. Your password is the first letter of your first name and the first letter of your last name (ex: J.T. Spivy would use js as his password)
4. Take the Reading Test for Mr. Spivy
5. Take your time; do your best


Bell-ringer: Using the prompt below, write one (or two) well written paragraph that uses vivid descriptions and strong verbs.

Finish this thought: If I could change one thing about myself… Focus on something that has nothing to do with your physical appearance.

 (If you can't think of anything, you might want to consider telling how you got to be perfect!)

Grammar Exercises
Complete the grammar exercises below. Take your time. 
Subject Verb Agreement  
Subject Verb Agreement Part Dos
Irregular Verbs
Dangling Modifiers Read the directions before doing this. It is tough!
Pronoun Agreement  