Monday, November 5, 2012

Bell-ringer and Acuity

After you have finished Acuity:

Do the bell-ringer-

Bell-ringer: Directions—Write the following sentences and then define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.

1. The principal chastised the young lady for not wearing appropriate clothing.

2. Her choleric sister can become angry about anything!

3. Though it appears she can talk to the dead and see the future, she is clairvoyant.

4. Their clandestine meetings went undiscovered for two years.

5. Because his parents coddled him, Jake still acts like a baby.

If you have not received a holistic score of 4 on your WV Write essay, go back to that site and work on your essay.

If you have received a score of 4 or higher, you may go to and do the daily crossword, word dynamo, or one of the word games on that site or No other website is acceptable.

When you have read through these directions, please click on the comment button at the bottom of the post and write "read the directions" followed by your name.

Make sure to do your best on all of this. Do not speak until told you have the privilege to do so.   

Mr. Spivy  

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Outsiders: Quiz (Chapters 4-6)

1. Who is the author of The Outsiders?

2. Where are Ponyboy and Johnny jumped in chapter 4?

3. Write down the name of one of the Socials that jumped Pony and Johnny.

4. Why does Johnny stab Bob?

5. Who do Ponyboy and Johnny go to for help?

6. How do Ponyboy and Johnny get to Windrixville?

7. In what type of building do Ponyboy and Johnny hide?

8. How does Ponyboy disguise himself?

9. What book does Ponyboy read to Johnny?

10. What is the basic meaning of the poem Ponyboy read (“Nothing Gold Can Stay”)?

11. Which Greaser does Ponyboy like least?

12. Who insists on returning to Tulsa and turning himself into the police?

13. Which two characters heroically enter the church and save the children?

14. What happened to Johnny towards the end of chapter 6?

15. What article of clothing saves Ponyboy from being severely burned?